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Greetings members of the Cryptolix forums! If you have been using the forums for any length of time, you may have noticed that we have been undergoing a name change from CrackLicencia to our new name, CrackLicenciaEleventa. This choice was not made lightly and we hope that you will take a moment to learn about this decision and the reasons behind it. "So what is going on with Cracklicencia?" - You might be asking yourself at this point. From now until November 30th, 2018, we will be in a transition period in which both names will be used interchangeably with one another. During this time, Cracklicencia will be redirected to the new name, CrackLicenciaEleventa. We believe that this transitional period will afford us the opportunity to begin moving forward under our new name and creating our future as an organization. "Well... But why?" - This is where things start running a little deeper than "Why not?" I hope that by explaining the story behind the decision; you'll appreciate even more why we are choosing to move forward under our new banner. Throughout this journey of Cryptolix, we have grown alongside you as members of this community. We have had many ups and downs, but through it all, our goal of bringing this technology to the people has remained unchanged. For the longest time this forum was based on a cryptocurrency known as "CrackCoin". As you probably guessed, that was the name of our cryptocurrency. As time went on and we gained new members, many were confused by why there were two names being used interchangeably. Between CrackLicencia and CrackCoin, there were several reasons for choosing one name over another. Some of these reasons include: 1) We are an open source project with no owners or leaders. All decisions are made by majority vote of the community members. 2) We wanted to use an acronym that everyone could easily say. At this stage of growth, we were not ready to create a new name that would take time for members to learn. 3) As the time passed, many of us thought that maybe it was time to change the name of CrackCoin. It was never "cracked" and it never became legitimate in the eyes of other cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. Even with our community backing us, we were stuck in a rut and knew that something needed to change. After much deliberation and discussion, we agreed that it was time to make a change and move forward as CrackLicencia. As a surprise to the community, we have been secretly working for months on a new website and with the help of some amazing community members, we are proud to present our new home. By changing our name, we want to bring more legitimacy and awareness to the industry that we are in. We hope that this change will help raise awareness both inside and outside our community about what Cryptolix is all about: Providing many different use cases with an amazing cryptocurrency resource in which anyone can participate and learn how cryptocurrencies work in a safe and secure environment. We know that it has been a long road up until this point and we want to thank each and every one of you who has supported us along the way. cfa1e77820